Monday, August 3, 2009

More Fun Hair Styles

Kat is one of my neighbors, she often comes over to play with Princess and asks me to do her hair. I'm not sure if she likes the snacks she gets to eat or the cartoons that she get to watch more. For Kat, this time I did a zig zag part, then three ponies on each side in the front.
I then divided the middle pony and placed two more ponies in. Then I combined from two ponies into one. I then pulled each side into one pony tail.

This is my neice, Jules. She way cute. She has really fine hair. I Parted her hair in a zig zag front to back. Then I put in pony tail around her head starting in the front and going around each side.

When I reached the back I wnet up into two pony tails.

Fancy updo

I really love this look on Monkey.
I did 10 flippie/pull throughs, all around the head (5 on each side). Then I split each flippie into another row of flippies (9 flippies) Then I pulled all of the hair into one pony tail.

After all of the hair in the final pony. Seperate 4 small section of hair on the top and clip them up. (More Photos to come of that.) Then add curls as desired.

Let me know if you would like more instructions on this hair style.

Wednesday, July 22, 2009


These are Pictures of my home from 2007. We had just moved it and were so happy to have more room for the family.

After 2 years I am so pleased with the new landscaping. It was lots of work but as you can see, well worth the time.

Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Fourth of July

For the Fourth of July I borrowed the star idea from Its a girl Thing. Instead if using ribbon I tried the red, white and blue ponies. I made the hairbow acouple of months ago, not thinking about how I would do the girls hair. I think it all came together pretty well. I should have taken more pictures. Monkey


Friday, June 26, 2009

Lost Tooth

Princess lost her first tooth a couple of days ago. It was so ready to come out, I told her how to pull it out. She was too nervous and asked me to do it. So I did. It was almost too easy. Monkey we had to talk through the process for an hour before she would let her uncle pull the tooth. Her uncle has older kids so he must know the best way, that is what she thought. So once he got to the house it still took another hour getting all of her special things ready for her to hold onto. Monkey was the tough one, we thought, maybe Princess is a lot tougher then we give her credit.

Thursday, June 25, 2009

Me venting

So the month of June is almost over, and I have done lots of hair but I forget the camera. I had a birthday a couple of weeks ago, # 33. I remember thinking that 30 was old, but I don't feel sooo old, just a little. Probably because I need to loose 25 pounds, which is my goal by January when I'm going to FL. with a great friend. Angie is wonderful and so thoughtful, I'm not sure I would know what to do with out her. I think my first move to loose the weight would be to stop drinking Pepsi, well I kind of did that, but I now drink Vanilla Coke. So NO soda. I'll let you know how that goes.
Monkey and Princess only have one week of school left, so summer fun is up to me. Hopefully Sprinklers and bikes will take care of most the fun. A few trips to grandmas and a visit with Aunt Sharkie will fill the rest.

Bruce and I started the girls on chores a couple of weeks ago. Things like refilling the TP in bathrooms, collection of laundry and garbage, simple things to you and me, HUGE to the girls. We have tried a chart before where they get a star for the chores done during the day. It was a disaster if they ran out of time because they chose to do other things. The chart would be destroy and lots of yelling would take place, mostly be Monkey. We have let the girls pick out toys as rewards for doing their chores for one full week, the toys were never earned.
So now we just have a list that needs to be done, no reward.

Well yesterday I ended up packing away a bunch of toys that were left around the house, one of the chores is to put all of their things away at the end of the day. I did give them several days to clean up on their own but nothing happened, so I broke.

hopefully with summer we can refine our checks and balances so that the house can be a little cleaner and my life a whole lot easier. I mean isn't that why we have kids so that they can work for us, ha ha ha.

Monday, June 1, 2009

Ice plants

I planted these ice plants in my front yard last spring. They are so pretty. The ice plant is a drought resistant ground cover. It spreads quickly and is very hardy. I have also seen them in yellow.

Easy up-dos

I hope that you like these up dos. Let me know what you think, I'd love to hear from you. I didn't have time before church to take picures so I had to wait till after. Next time I'll try to do more instuctions with step by step pictures.
For Monkey I started with a zig zag part all the way down. Pulled the hair into side ponies. Once the hair was all smooth, I braided three small sections on each side.

I curled the hair and then clipped up the braided and a few small sections of hair. I used the tiny hair claws. Cute huh?

This "do" looks complex but it was really easy. I sectioned the hair in front into six ponies, then braided each one.

Pull all the hair and the braids in to one back pony tail. Once all of the hair is pulled back take out the ponies at the end of the braids. Curl all of the hair, then take small sections and clip then up. I clipped a curl up between each braid but you can do as many as you like. I left most of the poniy tail down. I used the smallest hair claws that I could find rather than bobbypins. You can use either.

Wednesday, May 27, 2009

My yard

My Front yard looks great. I have been working on the flower beds for about two week and I think they are done. I have received lot and lots of comments. That not the important part.

Bruce, my sweet huddy, made this comment to me, after talking about how great our yard looks, "You do a great job at everything that you WANT to do."

HA, HA. While I was working in the yard the house got pretty bad. The dishes didn't get done, the laundry piled up, the kids had free reign. I'm not so good at multi tasking.

New conrainer for ponytails

I have found the greatest container to hold the girls ponytail holders. I have been looking for a while now and finally I have it. I tried using an embrordery thead holder, it works pretty well until it would gets knocked off the counter. Then all of the colors mixed together again. Also little hand think that it is so fun to play with all the pretty colors.

Now I have a Craft Mates Locking Caddy. It has seperates, each with a locking lid, so that I can open only the color that I need. If the container falls off the counter everything stays sorted.

I love it.
I also found these Lock-ups container for my extra ponytail holders

Friday, May 22, 2009

Srubbing Bubbles

Little Man found a can of scrubbing bubbles and asked me what it was for. I told him I used it to clean the tub. He insisted that I clean the bath tub right then. He did let me finish vacuuming first, but as soon as I was done, it was straight to the bathroom. He stood there and watched me spray and then scrub the tub, for whatever reason he thought it was hilarious.

So now I'm wondering what Bruce is teaching the kids when I'm not around.

Thursday, May 14, 2009

Well Princess has wanted a Hannah Montana Party for a whole year.
So here is a funny story for you.
Princess never knows what meat we are eating. She knows that it is meat just not what kind. The other night we were having chicken and she told me that she loved the ham. When we told her that it wasn't ham she guessed that it was beef. Then she said, is it meat? Yes it was meat. We talked to her about teaching her about different meats. Princess thought that was a great idea and told me that I could make a bunch of different meats and then let her eat them. Bruce and I laughed, then we thought of Rodizio Grill. It is an all you can eat Brazilian BBQ. You sit and the waiters bring different meats around for you to try.
Princess thought that was the best idea ever. Bruce and I asked her if she would rather have a Hannah Montana party with friends OR go to the Rodizio Grill with the family. I was amazed with her choice, "I want to try the meats." We talked about it and she was sure about her decision. Since we had Soccer Wednesday night we went to dinner tonight. It was fantastic, and Hannah loved it.

On her actual B-day we did have a Hannah Montana cake and she got HM PJ's.
Monkey enjoying the B-day celebration.
Little Man, didn't eat much but had lots of fun.

Monday, April 20, 2009


Spring has come!!! My kids decided that it was warm enough outside to run in the sprinkler. Minutes after we turned on the water neighborhood kids started showing up in their swimsuits. The water only lasted about 30 minutes but my kids keep telling how fun the water party was.

Princess was the first to get wet and the first to decide that the water was too cold.

Little Man was the bravest as far as running through the water he for sure lasted the longest.

Monday, April 13, 2009

Easter Bows

I used to sew the girls Easter dresses but right no I have no sewing Machine. I found these cute dresses a Costco, Laura Ashley dresses. I made bows to match the dresses and I think they turned out pretty cute.
Monkey and Princess are adorable in their Easter outfits. Little Man got his first tie and Dad got a matching one.

Wednesday, April 8, 2009

Does this ever happen to you?

I got up yesterday got the kids to school and ran my errand. I found exactly what wanted at the craft store, Wood Connection. I even put a NO SOLICITING sign on my front door, finally. After school I took the kids to the library, we all got along and had a fun time. I wish library time could alway that nice. When we returned home, I vacuumed out the car while the kids rode scooters with the neighbors. By now it was about 5:30. Bruce didn't have scouts so I had planned a fun dinner of crepes and fresh fruit. I was just for the call to say the Bruce was on his way to start making dinner.
While the kids were playing, Princess got hit in the head with a baseball bat, and yes it had to be wooden. This is when everything fell apart. Monkey is terrified of blood so she ran inside and hid in her room as fast as she could. Princess was freaking out, as soon as I the gash I know it needed stiches. Luckily my neighbor was able to watch Little Man and Monkey while I loaded Princess in the car and went to the Kids Care.
I realized that my wallet was still in the library bag so I couldn't pay the co-pay. Priness needed to go the bathroom three times while we waited between the cleaning and numbing of her gash. Then she needed three people to hold her still so the the doctor could give her three stiches on her forehead.
The day had such a great start, and I really an so productive during the. I even had dinner planned and everything. Bruce ended up feeding Money and Little Man PB&J and Princess had an 8:30 dinner of the same. Bedtine is 8, so we hurried and got the kids in bed. Bruce and I still had to have dinner and pack book bags plus everything else that do that we do to after the kids go to bed. Like I said the day started out great, it is just too bed it didn't continue what way. It is a good thing there is alway tomorrow.

Sunday, April 5, 2009

I'm still here!

My laptop, which has everything on it including all of my photo software and Calenders for the kids Etc, has crashed. Right now I get to share a computer with my precious little children. As soon as my own computer is back up and running I will have lots to blog about, Easter bows and more hair and more bows. Thanks for being patient.

Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Home Decor

Bruce and I have lived in this home for almost two years. Two months ago we put our first picture on the wall. I know, silly huh? We should have decorated along time ago, the problem is that I'm not very good at decorating. This is why I'm so excited about what I have worked on the last few days. I found theses frames at Target. Then I printed photos from my computer, using black ink only, onto photo paper. I cut out vinyl letters using Robins cricut, that say Families can be together forever. Hurray for me!!
I am so motivated right now that Bruce better watch out. I have already looked at paint chips, and started a new project.


This was Princess's hair do for church last Sunday.
She is such a cutie.
I sectioned the hair into six sections, then french braided each section.

I continued braiding to the ends of the hair and put ponytails in each one. So what I had was six braids. I took the three braids on each side and braided them together. Then I pulled the two braid together and put in a clear ponytail. After the ponytail was secure I removed the other six. Then I curled the rest of the hair with my hair straightener.

You can then add a bow or pretty clips.