Monday, June 1, 2009

Easy up-dos

I hope that you like these up dos. Let me know what you think, I'd love to hear from you. I didn't have time before church to take picures so I had to wait till after. Next time I'll try to do more instuctions with step by step pictures.
For Monkey I started with a zig zag part all the way down. Pulled the hair into side ponies. Once the hair was all smooth, I braided three small sections on each side.

I curled the hair and then clipped up the braided and a few small sections of hair. I used the tiny hair claws. Cute huh?

This "do" looks complex but it was really easy. I sectioned the hair in front into six ponies, then braided each one.

Pull all the hair and the braids in to one back pony tail. Once all of the hair is pulled back take out the ponies at the end of the braids. Curl all of the hair, then take small sections and clip then up. I clipped a curl up between each braid but you can do as many as you like. I left most of the poniy tail down. I used the smallest hair claws that I could find rather than bobbypins. You can use either.


Amanda said...

Did Hailey get glasses?

Your hair-dos look great, as always.

Unknown said...

She got them on Saturday. I posted it on the family blog.

EC said...

Cute dos- I think I will try them!

I love your ice plants too!